Fine grain cemented carbides are the standard in general wear protection. They are used for guides, bushings, nozzles, slide rings, cutting rings, linear blades, circular blades, and lathe tips, reshaping, rolling, drawing and pressing tools.
細晶粒硬質合金是耐磨的標準牌號。用于導軌、 襯套、 噴嘴、 滑環、 切割環、圓鋸片、車刀、 矯形、 軋輥、拉伸和沖壓工具。
WC grain size fine, 1.0-1.5 μm
WC 晶粒尺寸,1.0-1.5 μ m
Grade | Cobalt content %w/w | Properties and recommendations
RF13 | 6.5 | This grade is used for manufacturing cemented carbide slitting and milling disks and circular saw blades, for cutting inserts, nozzles, guides, bushings and linear blades, with low impact, and is also suitable for woodworking tools. For lathing, milling, drilling, reaming and countersinking of hardened steels, hard and grey cast iron, light metal, aluminum, Si-, Cu-, Mn-alloys, plastics, glass, ceramics and graphite.
用于制造鋸片銑刀和圓鋸片,數控刀片、噴嘴、導軌、襯套及線刀,也適合木工工具。為車削、銑削、鉆鉸孔、淬火鋼,硬鋼和灰色鑄鐵、輕金屬,鋁,硅-銅-錳合金、塑料、玻璃、陶瓷和石墨。 |
RF24 | 12.0 | This fine grade of medium cobalt content is used for the manufacturing of cutting rings, slide rings, blades, guides, bushings, lathe tips, dies, drawing and pressing tools.
含鈷量中等,用于制造切割環、滑環、刀片、導軌、襯套、車刀,模具、拉絲和沖壓工具。 |
RF40 | 20.0 | This hard metal grade contains a high percentage of cobalt binder and is therefore suitable for tools subject to high impact stresses such as hammer jaws, reshaping tools, stamping tools.
含鈷量很高。因此適合于承受高沖擊力的工具,如錘卡爪,矯形工具,沖壓工具。 |
RF54 | 27.0 | This grade contains the maximum possible cobalt binder content and is characterized by a very high fracture toughness and transverse rupture strength and is therefore highly impact-resistant. It is used in tools for hot and cold forming, for manufacturing steels springs, in hammer jaws and in shredders.
含鈷量高,具有很高的斷裂韌性和橫向斷裂強度,因此非常耐沖擊。它用于熱成型和冷成型的工具,如制造彈簧鋼,錘爪,碎紙機。 |
These cemented carbide grades with medium grain size combine good hardness and wear resistance with high transverse rupture strength, fracture toughness and thermal shock resistance. Application in general wear protection, for guides, bushings, slide rings, cutting rings, blades, and lathe tips, reshaping, rolling, drawing and pressing tools.
這些硬質合金牌號的硬質合金粒度為中等,具有高硬度、高耐磨性、好的橫向斷裂強度、好的斷裂韌性和抗熱震性。一般用于耐磨零件,導軌、襯套、滑環、切割環、刀片、車刀、塑形、 軋輥、拉伸和沖壓工具。
WC grain size medium, 2.2-2.8μm
WC 晶粒度 中等,2.2-2.8μm
Grade | Cobalt content %w/w | Properties and recommendations
RM13 | 6.5 | This grade has been developed for the manufacturing of guides, bushings, valve fittings, balls, blades, rotary burrs, subject to relatively low impact stresses, and is also suitable for woodworking tools. Can be used for somewhat higher toughness requirements and for interrupted cuts instead of our grade RF13.
在承受相對較低的沖擊應力時,可以用于導軌、襯套、閥門配件、球、刀片、旋轉銼,也適合木工工具。在要求較高韌性要求的斷續切削工況下,優于RF13。 |
RM16 | 8.5 | This hard metal grade in used for guides, bushings, cutting rings, cutting wheels, blades, lathe tips, grinding balls, valve fittings, plungers, slide rings, mandrels, mixers, impact bodies, deburrers, peeling tools and rotary burrs.
用于導軌、 軸套、 切割環、 切割片、刀片、車刀,磨球、閥門配件、柱塞、滑環、心軸、 攪拌機,沖擊零件,去毛刺機,剝皮刀和旋轉銼。 |
RM22 | 11.0 | This grade with medium binder content ideally combines hardness and breaking resistance and is often used for initial equipping. In particular, it is used to manufacture dies, punches, valve fittings, cutting rings, slide rings, shaft sleeves, grinding mandrels, guides, bushings, sensor capsules, lathe tips, drawings and pressing tools.
中等粘結劑含量,理想的硬度和抗彎強度。用來制造模具、沖頭、閥門配件、切割環,滑環、軸磨削心軸、導軌、襯套、傳感器觸頭、車刀、拉深和擠壓工具。 |
RM30 | 15.0 | The somewhat higher cobalt content of this grade in comparison to RM22 improves the breaking resistance and the fracture toughness. It is therefore used in more sensitive tools and applications, such as dies, bending and reshaping tools, drawing tools, embossing stamps, tracers and shredders.
這個牌號具有稍高的鈷含量。與RM22 相比提高了抗折力和斷裂韌性。它因此用于更敏感的工具和應用,如模具、彎曲和塑形工具,拉伸模,軋花、示蹤劑和破碎機。 |